'With the money raised we have provided scholarships for families of children with difficulties in order to combat school dropout, grade I and II.
Scholarships for students of government high schools, Liceo Copernicus and Technical Institute for the textile Tullio Buzzi and connecting to the state structures and always in a good relationship with our institutions we conrtibuito the creation of a conference Prefecture on the phenomenon of abuse of soatanze and alcohol use among minors.
always open to our view of reality we have organized various interclub with local Lions Club, Rotary and the Kitchen Academy.
flagship of the year was the acquisition as an honorary member, Mother Paola, head of the Village Lions in India in Cochin.
We have also contributed to the family house of Balsas in Brazil, hospital Mllali in Africa and in the local environment to the restoration of the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Conservatory Lawn at St. Nicholas, to support the needy families of the area, and patients with and support of Camerata di Prato.
The service was conducted with passion, participation, joy and enthusiasm. The objective then was fully achieved with the help of all '.
The President
Giovanna Cobuzzi